The Basic Steps to Perfect Golf

Hip Movement. (Changed - 20/05/2019)

At the address position the hips are frontal facing, the legs are frontal facing and the centre line of your hips is directly over the centre of your stance.

During the back swing movement the hips eventually follow the movement of the shoulders and rotate slightly away from the frontal facing position, but vitally, the hips must not sway away from the original address position throughout the back swing movement.



During the down swing movement the hip movement becomes a very active component.

It is vital that once the hips begin to rotate towards the target area the left leg must begin to straighten, it must be a continual movement from the moment you begin the down swing movement thus forcing the compact upper body unit to rotate into the down swing and the follow through movement.

But importantly it is vital that the waist acts as a universal joint whilst the whole body turns to face the target area at the precise moment of impact


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